
Acahilles' heel
It turns up with an extra carrot. Carat克拉 karat成色
It beggars belief that you can read seven books in one day. 難以置信
There will be some glimmers of hope. 一絲希望
The boss is steadfast in refusing to give you a salary increase. 「企硬」
A steadfast ally 忠實堅定的盟友
I would do in a heartbeat. 立即
Giving information drip by drip
Renewable energy is not panacea. 可再生能源並非「靈丹妙藥」。
We will leave no stone unturned in this process. 竭盡全力
Many other projects are in the pipeline. 多個項目正在籌備當中。
Prosecution 檢控、告發或起訴
Persecution 迫害
Wiretap 竊聽

A scorched earth strategy may affect the vote turnout rate. 焦土政策
Trump's firing of so many people has ended on a sour note.
put a lid on it
strand en masse 與同伴一起擱淺
A tit-for-tat trade war can lead to a full scale trade war.
penny-wise, pound-foolish 因小失大
Some people are trigger-happy that they will shoot at anything that moves.
If someone can play ball with others, many problem can be solved.
grow the pie 經濟越來越大 / level the playing field 公平競爭
Jack the Ripper 連環殺手
carrots and sticks 軟硬兼施 / He needs more carrots and less sticks.
turn a blind eye 視而不見 / turn a deaf ear 聽而不聞
The government feels that the pan-democrates are stirring up the pot by not supporting joint immigration.
strike a straw man
feel the pinch 捉襟見肘 / Hong Kong hospitals are feeling the pinch, because of the flu outbreak.
It's a 24/7 show. 從不間斷
The establishment camp has now gained the upper hand in the Legislative Council.
Door-knock is a very effective way to lobby. 親自拜訪是一種很有效的游說手段。
play fiddle 有機心,玩心理戰,希望控制對方 / play beautifully like a fiddle
People are caught in the crossfire when different groups fight in Syria. 殃及池魚,躺著也中槍
It's better to jaw-jaw than to war-war 吵一架總比打一架好//寧可動口亦不要動手
call a spade a spade 不迴避,說真話,不合聽也要說/有碗話碗,有碟話碟
lo and behold --> look and see
bonehold 一個人很愚蠢 blockhead/thick-headed
starry eyed 過分樂觀
heads will roll/fall 沒有把事情做好,而受處罰/烏紗不保
throw the baby out with the bath water 因小失大
as tough as old boots 形容人十分堅強
weenie 懦夫
If a company is not making money, the boss will want a housecleaning. 裁員
Every morning, I have a cookie cutter breakfast, I have tea, I have fruit, I have oatmeal, and I have toast. 一式一樣
The pan-democrats are keeping a steady drumbeat against co-location.
Compromise is the name of game in politics. 在政治上,妥協是最重要的。
casting couch 沙發試鏡文化
a pay raise and a long holiday will add a spring to my step 令我充滿朝氣
in a boxer's stance 萬事俱備/蓄勢待發
"To gild refined gold, to paint the lily ... is wasteful"
Touching up Monsa Lisa is gilding the lily. 名畫蒙羅麗莎加兩筆是畫蛇添足。
knee-jerk reaction 本能反應和未經思考而作出的反應
wet behind the ears 缺乏經驗
I donate to charity but my donation is a drop in the ocean. 微不足道
Whenever you do something wrong, you always use me as a scapegoat. 替死鬼
We should focus on the main issue and not be distracted by a red herring. 轉移視線
whistleblower 告密者
back-to-back meeting/consecutive
I won't get cute with you, but am I cute? 耍小聰明
steal the show 搶鏡/The cat was a show stealer.
stick in your throat 想說出來又說不出/It sticks in my throat to see people rushing to get MTR seats.
I will stand four-square behind you. I will give you my full support. 有堅定立場,全力支持某人。
Whenever there is a typhoon in Hong Kong, it leaves chaos in its wake. 香港打風會塌樹水浸。