

今天成功入手 MG Gundam HeavyArms,現時正考慮是否素組,如何砌此重武裝高達。自砌完全武裝獨角獸後,已經想砌此佳品,看其內容非常精彩,套件以XXXG骨架為基礎,在部分骨架,各部位裝甲零件外裝,以及武裝部分,則是使用新製零件重現!以超大型的格林式機砲為首,壓到性的重武裝感,確實與其名稱十分相符。

XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms (Gundam Zero-Three)
Heavyarms is one of the five Gundam mobile suits sent to Earth as part of Operation Meteor, created by Doktor S and launched from the cluster of orbital colonies located at the L3 Lagrange point. The Gundam specializes in firepower and is armed with a large-barrel beam gatling (which covers the left arm), chest-mounted Gatling guns, shoulder-mounted homing missiles, leg-mounted micro missiles, and an army knife blade attached to its right arm for close combat after all ammo is spent. Heavyarms is piloted by Trowa Barton from the beginning of the series until episode 17, when Trowa returns to space in order to infiltrate OZ and leaves the Gundam behind on Earth (as it wasn't designed for space combat). Heavyarms is later recovered by Sally Po at some point prior to episode 41, who helps deliver it into space. In episode 43, Heavyarms is upgraded for space combat, with its most notable addition being a second beam Gatling barrel, and is involved heavily in the fighting leading up to the conclusion of the series. In Endless Waltz, Trowa uses Heavyarms one last time to battle the Barton Foundation's forces in Brussels, and after the Foundation's surrender, he self-destructs the Gundam, as all other mobile suits are destroyed. In Endless Waltz, Heavyarms now has a pair of double-barreled, hand-held Gatling guns, which now fire shells instead of beam bullets, and no longer has an arm hidden in the gun. Also in the OVA, Heavyarms has more missiles than its TV counterpart and the close combat "army knife" has been removed. Heavyarms holds the distinction of being the only Gundam of the original five to survive the events of Gundam Wing relatively undamaged; it was not completely destroyed until the end of Endless Waltz, and the space upgrade did not require a complete rebuild of the Gundam.

